Collegial Events & Networking Opportunities

MBA events give members opportunities to get together to socialize, network and have fun.

Annual Events

WinterSmash -  February 8, 2025
This family-friendly event is an annual sellout that brings 250 people together for bowling at KingPins and raises money for the Multnomah Bar Foundation (CourtCare, CourtSupport and CourtConnect). See photos from the 2024 event. Sponsorship information

MBA Annual Dinner May 22, 2025
Our biggest event of the year, over 350 people attend the Annual Meeting, Dinner and Judges Reception to recognize the service of MBA members. The MBA Diversity, Professionalism, Merit and pro bono awards will be presented. See photos from the 2024 event
Battle of the Lawyer Bands - August 2025
Bands comprised of at least one Oregon lawyer compete for the title of "Best Oregon Lawyer Band" while raising money for the Multnomah Bar Foundation (CourtCare, CourtSupport and CourtConnect). This high-energy event is a favorite and open to the public, with family, friends and colleagues filling the audience to cheer for their favorite band. 
Absolutely Social - October 2025
One of our most popular events, MBA's Absolutely Social draws over 150 people for an eventing of networking, socializing and good food. Attendees are invited to bring a donation of canned food for the Oregon Food BankSee photos from the 2024 event.

Bench Bar & Bagels - November 13, 2024
Before starting their work day, members of the legal community gather for conversation, casual breakfast and coffee at Tonkon Torp. See photos from the 2023 event

For other events throughout the year or to see what our Young Lawyers Section has planned, check out our calendar.